A point is a point. A thousand points and a point are a line. A universe of lines is a maze. A group of mazes is your world. A thousands worlds are a life. And a life – finally - becomes a point. You are a point, living between the lines of a maze while carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. After years Qarm Qart Restarts from points. Redefines lines. Rebuilds the maze of his reality and reconstructs his world (and the world). Mismatching photographs in an unconventional collage form a patchwork that observes, demolishes and rebuilds patterns for a new pulse.
A reflection. A bitter-sweet-smiling-glance in these desolate, cruel times.
Mashrabia Gallery
19 Oct - 13 Nov 2014
Alexandria Center of Arts (Alexandria)
7 - 17 May 2015
The Print House Gallery (London) Group Exhibition
2 - 24 July 2015